Traffic on Woodruff Road in Greenville, SC

Preferred Alternatives

Analysis and Ranking of the Alternatives

Description of Alternative Traffic Improvement (Ranking) Environmental Impacts (Ranking) Cost ($Millions) (Ranking)
Alternative 1 Widening of Woodruff Road from 5 to 7 lanes from Woodruff Industrial Road to Smith Hines Road, including construction of a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at I-85 and modification of the existing diamond interchange at I-385. 5 1 1 ($62)
Alternative 2C Widening of Woodruff Road from 5 to 7 lanes from Woodruff Industrial Road to Smith Hines Road, a new Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at I-85, modification of the existing diamond interchange at I-385, and the construction of a new location 3-lane route from Carolina Point Parkway to Smith-Hines Road 4 2 2 ($111.4)
Alternative 3C Widening of Woodruff Road from 5 to 7 lanes from Woodruff Industrial Road to Smith Hines Road, a new Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at I-85, modificatino of the existing diamond interchange at I-385, and the construction of a new location 3-lane route from PNG Connector from Woodruff Industrial Road to Smith-Hines Road. 3 3 5 ($145.7)
Alternative 6C Construction of a new location 5-lane route tying into the reecently constructed PNG Connector from Woodruff Industrial Road to Smith-Hines Road and widening of PNG Connector to 5-lanes. 1 4 3 ($121.1)
Alternative 6D Construction of a new location 5-lane route tying into the recently constructed PNG Connector from Woodruff Industrial Road to Smith-Hines Road widening of PNG Connector to 5-lanes, and the construction of a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at Woodruff Road and I-85. 2 5 4 ($138.8)