Purpose and Need
The purpose of this project is to improve the traffic circle under the SC 85 and I 585 interchange in regards to the operation efficiency and safety

Project Description
SCDOT proposes to improve the operational efficiency and safety of the intersection at SC 85/ I 585-(Hearon Circle) located in Spartanburg County.
It is anticipated that the proposed improvements will be constructed on or near existing alignment.

85 Business Exit to Hearon Circle
Proposed Improvements
The proposed improvements to this project are to include increasing weave areas for cars to merge, flatten and improve the S shaped curves around the circle, and implement access management throughout the project to improve operational efficiency and safety.
Preliminary Engineering: | Underway |
Public Outreach: | Underway |
Right of Way: | Winter 2024 |
Construction: | Spring 2026 |

Eastbound Ashville Highway

Charisma Drive