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US25 @ Short Cut Road – Edgefield County

SCDOT Home Page
FHWA Home Page

About the Project

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) proposes intersection improvements at US25 at Short Cut Road in Edgefield County. The intersection has been identified as the highest priority intersection safety improvement intersection in the county, and is in close proximity to residences, commercial properties, and a high school. Growth in the vicinity is expected to continue through the coming years, and is being taken into account in the planning, design, and construction of the project.

Photo of S-52 (Lanham Rd) project area

Purpose and Need

The purpose of the project is to improve safety and operations in and around the intersection.

Project Funding

The project will use Federal funds allocated by the Upper Savannah Council of Governments (USCOG). The total project cost estimate is approximately $6,600,000.00.

Anticipated Schedule
Planning: Underway
Preliminary Engineering: 2024
Right of Way Acquisitions Begin: Early 2026
Construction Begins: Early 2027