About the Project
The I-85 over Rocky Creek project is utilizing a design-build contract which will require the contractor, United Infrastructure Group, to design, obtain permits, acquire right of way, coordinate utility relocation, and construct the new bridge and associated approaches all under the oversight of SCDOT and FHWA.

Purpose and Need
SCDOT proposes to replace the existing quad barrel, eight foot by ten foot, bridge sized culvert at Rocky Creek with a new bridge along I-85 in Greenville County. The culvert does not have sufficient hydraulic capacity and overtopping of the interstate during flood events has occurred. In addition, the bridge will include auxiliary lanes for Pelham Road interchange and width for the future fourth lane in each direction along I-85.

Project History
The original concept of the Gateway Project was to add a fourth lane in each direction of Interstate 85 (Northbound before Pelham Road and Southbound after Pelham Road). Construction of these additional lanes would require the adding of fill dirt within the Rocky Creek floodplain. After the design build contract was executed, and work had begun on the Gateway Project, FEMA flood maps were updated for Greenville County. The new maps showed that the construction of the new lanes would be in the Rocky Creek floodway/floodplain and to permit the new lanes in this area would have significantly delayed the completion of the much-needed Gateway Project.
Based on the new FEMA floodmap update, SCDOT consulted with Greenville County on a solution. Greenville County granted a variance to the Gateway Project to continue the Gateway Project without the new 4th I-85 Southbound lane as long as SCDOT agreed to return to the area in the near future and construct a bridge over Rocky Creek to meet FEMA floodway performance criteria.
The I-85 over Rocky Creek Bridge project fulfills the agreement with Greenville County.
Proposed Improvements
The project consists of all work necessary to complete the design and construction of a bridge over Rocky Creek on I-85 and associated roadway approaches in Greenville County. The project includes demolition and removal of the existing cast-in-place concrete box culvert, all appurtenances, and portions of the approach roadways. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic deficiencies, overtopping of the interstate during storm events, and to provide a new bridge and roadway approaches which meet current standards and accommodates a future lane in each direction along the interstate. The project will also include realignment of Rocky Creek to more closely match the original stream alignment, improve hydraulic function and while minimizing impacts to the extent practical.
The fourth (outside) lane of southbound I-85 shall begin at the Pelham Road on-ramp and tie to the new fourth (outside) lane that was constructed as part of the Gateway Project. The fourth (outside) lane of northbound I-85 was constructed as part of the Gateway project and shall be maintained.

Anticipated Schedule
Project Start Date: | July 2021 |
Environmental Document Approval: | July 2021 (tentative) |
Finalized Right of Way Design Plans: | September 2020 |
Finalized Construction Plans: | February 2021 |
Anticipated Completion Date: | Spring 2024 |