Project Updates
I-85 NB Stage 2 Progress
I-85 over Rocky Creek Project Update
Despite our best intentions, the scheduled Friday (7/12) and Saturday (7/13) nighttime work on I-85 over Rocky Creek will be delayed one week, weather permitting. There will still be a left lane closure on 85 NB tonight, but then nighttime work will not take place again until early next week.
Work tonight will focus on continued removal of temporary barrier wall but the adjustment to pavement markings won't occur. Thank you for everyone's patience as we hope to have all impacts to your commutes completed by early Fall.
I-85 North New Traffic Pattern
On Saturday night, September 9, the Contractor for I-85 over Rocky Creek will be making another shift in traffic to allow the next step in construction. Weather permitting, three lanes of 85 Northbound traffic will be shifted to the new section of bridge.
One exit lane for traffic going to Pelham Road will be maintained. To complete this nighttime work, ramp traffic will be detoured to Highway 14 and turned around to 85 Southbound where it will be able to access Pelham Road.
Travelers on 85 NB will have a single lane closure along the right lane that will be converted to a double lane closure taking the center and right lane later in the night. This will allow the pavement markings to be changed for the switch and the barrier wall to be repositioned as needed. Expect travel delays starting at 8 PM Saturday through Sunday morning.
As always, please be mindful of your speed and surroundings in the work zone so we can all safely return home!
I-85 over Rocky Creek
Weather permitting, motorists should expect a busy week of nighttime lane closures and detours on the I-85 over Rocky Creek project, starting tonight, as we work toward completion! The prominent impacts will be as follows:
On Wednesday night, July 10, traffic will be impacted on I-85 northbound at Pelham Road as we set the overhead sign structure supports near the Pelham Road overpass and begin work to widen the Exit 54 ramp. This will require closing the ramp to traffic and detouring to Highway 14 (Exit 56). Motorists will be able to u-turn at the Highway 14 bridge and follow signs along I-85 southbound back to Pelham Road.
On Friday night, July 12, and Saturday night, July 13, traffic will be impacted first southbound (7/12), then northbound (7/13), as we remove temporary barrier and paint traffic lane lines in their final location. Expect pacing operations and lane closures to complete this work. Also be aware of changes to signing and message boards.
With completion of this work, we will be able to "see the light at the end of the tunnel". As always, please slow down in the work zone and be mindful of workers in the closures!
New Traffic Pattern Details - Sunday, December 4, 2022
ALL SYSTEMS GO! Beginning Saturday night, December 3, on the Rocky Creek project we will be transitioning 85 northbound traffic just before Pelham Road (Exit 54) into the currently closed 85 southbound lanes and creating a dedicated Pelham Road ramp. This work will allow us to build Stage 2 of the new bridge.
Lane closures will begin by 10 PM and will first shift traffic to the right lanes through the area. During the night, we will pace traffic so we can shift the closures to the right lanes and complete the work. Some of the new alignment for 85 northbound will be opened at this time. It is anticipated that the entire shift will be completed by mid-day Sunday, December 4.
Traffic wishing to exit 85 northbound at Pelham Road (Exit 54) will be detoured to Hwy 14 (Exit 56) most of the night but will be opened mid-day Sunday, December 4, in the new dedicated ramp.
With so many construction operations occurring and changing lane closures, we ask that everyone please drive the posted speed limit, obey all signs, and be aware of workers in the area. Thanks in advance for your support!
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
- Despite our best plans and intentions, the heavy rains last Friday and forecasted low temperatures most of this week will delay our traffic shift within the I-85 over Rocky Creek project limits until after the Thanksgiving holiday.
- As weather allows, we will still have nighttime lane closures this week between 8 PM and 6 AM along the leftmost lanes both northbound and southbound. Please be mindful of your speed in our work zone and obey all signs and closures.
- An update to the traffic shift will be provided next week when we have a better estimate of the remaining weather dependent work that will be necessary to move the northbound lanes into the old southbound lanes. Stay tuned for updates!
New Traffic Pattern - Friday, October 7, 2022
Weather permitting, motorists on I-85 Southbound near Pelham Road (Exit 54) will find a new traffic pattern on Friday, October 7, 2022. The first phase of the I-85 bridge over Rocky Creek will be opened to traffic and existing I-85 Southbound from just south of Pelham Road overpass bridge to just before I-85 Southbound over Muddy Ford Road will be closed. The ramp from Pelham Road Eastbound to I-85 Southbound will also use this new bridge and roadway. Travelers are asked to be mindful of their speed and pay close attention to all signs and pavement striping through this new corridor. Additional updates will be provided if work is delayed due to weather.